Location, Location, Location

Where you choose to put down roots can say a lot about who you are or who you intend to be.  On a first come, first served basis you’ve nominated a galactic region  in which to base a Fleet Carrier as part of FleetComm’s Deep Space Support Array  (D.S.S.A.) initiative.  You and your fellow commander’s divide the region up between yourselves and you set about the task of searching for that system.  The particular system that ticks all the boxes (or at least most of the boxes) as the place you will moor up your pride and joy, to pay forward the gift of exploration for those who are yet to embrace the wonders of the void.  Defining what those boxes look like, represent and how they relate to each other is not as trivial a task as some may think.  Here is what’s important to me and why.

Guiding Principles

There are reportedly over 400 billion systems in the Milky Way galaxy, which are distributed across 42 regions with significantly varying degrees of density.  Having volunteered your services for a particular region, the task of surveying and identifying the system with the ‘it’ factor begins.  To be clear this is my process for finding the system to which to deploy and does not reflect the rules, views and opinions of the FleetComm D.S.S.A. admin team.

Aquila’s Appraisal Logs

Ranked Systems

A comparison of all the systems surveyed in the Aquila’s Halo region, to find a mooring location for my D.S.S.A. Fleet Carrier

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Picture of Bow Lof Petunias

Bow Lof Petunias

Bow Lof Petunias is a player character in the galaxy of Elite Dangerous, specializing in long range exploration, cartography & prospecting. When he's not aboard his Fleet Carrier, the "DSSA Chrysaetos Refuge", this commander is a confirmed screenshot junkie, a random scribe and an occasional video creator.

“The 400B” was created using assets and imagery from Elite Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes.
It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it.

Copyright © 8767128:1 Productions, 2016-2023.       The 400B